There is a lot of metal in this smoker and I’m betting it’s weighing in somewhere in excess of 800 lbs. I will attempt to document the order in which this build was completed and give any pointers on what I have learned about this build, which is a ton!! This was a Pitmaker Smoke Vault Inspired “Clone” ( Pitmaker Smoke Vault) of my own backwards engineering and research from other builds found on the internet. They were around 3/16 to 5/16 of an inch thick for an 8 inch pipe, which would make it ridiculously heavy. I initially planned to make it out of ordinary steel, but it was hard to find pipe of that dimension whose walls were still thin. In hindsight, if I were to build another smoker like this I would probably start from the inside and work my way out instead of what I from the outside in. Better draft means better/cleaner burning of wood, which in turn affects smoke flavor. The smoke stack was probably the most challenging because it was one of those, “I’m going to make this work no matter what” parts of the build and I’ll attempt to give more specifics about what was done. I pretty much used the dimensions found on pitmakers site and worked my way backwards and ended up with what was finished.
How to make a smoking pipe print out how to#
Unfortunately, I don’t have any specially drawn up “plans” on how to build this monster, but if you’re into building things chances are with pictures and a BOM you can figure the majority of the small details out. It was an afterthought to write up what I had accomplished, but I’m proud to have been asked to do a write up about the build. I remember reading some forum thread on the smoke ring and there were several others that charted their builds. I'd like to see it get up to 225-250, so I'm thinking about increasing the hole on the propane burner jet to get some higher btus. It's been working well and holds around 150-160. He can finish pork butts in 5-6 hours with a very nice smoke ring around the meat, also just last Wednesday he did a brisket that we're slicing up tomorrow for a staff party that was impressive to say the least. Remember that heating aluminum to high temperatures is linked with serious health risks, so it would be safer to build a pipe out of other easily available household items, like an apple or a potato.My buddy who I sold it to at the high school said he used it already 5 times and has gotten great results with it. Release your finger when you’re ready to inhale the smoke. When you’re ready to smoke, place your material on the indentation, cover the large hole with your finger, and inhale through the mouth of the can to fill it with smoke.
Sand the area around the indentation to remove any chemicals that may be vaporized while you smoke. Use a pen to make a larger hole somewhere else on the side of the can, which you’ll cover with your thumb while you smoke. Next, punch several small holes close together in the base of the indentation with a needle, pin, or pen. Once the can has dried, use your thumb to make a small indentation on the side of the can. To make a pipe from a soda can, first rinse the can out with clean water and let it dry.